Sitemap for Motor Boat Selma III
Motor Boat Selma III

Pictures from 2013

It has been a somewhat unfortunate season, we were hit by the flu during the summer holidays, we only had a small trip to Fanø, where we had forgotten the camera, and a few other small trips just to get out of the harbor. The entire last part of the season was ruined because our harbor was totally overgrown with seaweed, so it was practically impossible to sail.

Søsætning #1 Søsætning #2 Styrepladsen Tøser på fordækket Udsigt over vadehavet Ribe å Søsætning #3 Søsætning #4 Hun flyder Vi vender lige Og så hjemad imod Ribe
Motorbåden Selma III  •  Hjemhavn: Ribe  •  Tlf.: +45 75173059  •  
Medlem af DFÆL Logo Dansk Forening for Ældre Lystfartøjer
Pictures from 2006-2007
From the restauration
Pictures from 2010
Pictures from 2011
Pictures from 2012
Pictures from 2013
Pictures from 2014
Pictures from 2015
Pictures from 2016
Pictures from 2017
Pictures from 2019
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