Last year, due to lack of time, I had to settle for a name tag in plastic foil, but now it has to be made right. I have chosen to cut the letters out of 8 mm mahogany, and use the same font as seen at the logo at the top of this page. I bought a cheap decoupage saw for the job, and it has proven to be a useful tool for many other things as well.
I started by printing the outlined letters out on paper, and then I glued the paper to the wood with a glue stick. It was quite easy to cut the letters on the new saw, and I have made them with a 15 degree bevel to add some extra shape. Subsequently, the edges have been sanded so they are nice and smooth. Originally, I wanted to put sheet metal on the face of the letters to get a brass-like surface, but I could not make it look proper, so I painted them with gold paint instead. I stained the edges to get them as dark as possible. The letters will eventually get 6 coats Epifanes varnish.